I am also concerned many of my neighbors think conservative
fundamentalist Christianity (again, for lack of a better term) is the only option in order to be a “real
Therefore, today I share a few examples which illustrate
that while the conservative evangelical voice is loud, the progressive voice of
Christianity is not as rare as one might think.
There are many voices within protestant mainline
Christianity which speak out strongly for the rights of homosexual people. One example is the Lutheran group
Reconciling Works,(http://www.reconcilingworks.org/). Their facebook page says,
“Working at the intersection of oppressions,
ReconcilingWorks embodies, inspires, advocates and organizes for the acceptance
and full participation of people of all sexual orientations and gender
identities within the Lutheran communion and its ecumenical and global
partners.” They list their members
as numbering over 550 seminaries, congregations, and other organizations. This is a small percentage but also
represents groups where nearly the entire community agrees about this
issue. This does not include the
many others who believe in inclusion but are members of communities which have
not reached an agreement on this issue.
A similar Methodist group has this on their site (http://www.rmnetwork.org/):
“Reconciling Ministries Network is committed to policy
change and the creation of long-term solutions and practices that create full
inclusion in The United Methodist Church and our broader society. RMN works for
full equality in membership, ordination, and marriage for God’s lesbian, gay,
bisexual, and transgender children.” (632 churches communities and campus
There are similar groups within the Episcopal, American
Baptist, UCC and Mennonite denominations, at least and some of these groups
have been around for decades.
Abortion is another issue about which there is much more
diversity of opinion than one would be led to believe when listening to the
news. This website gives what
seems to be a good overview of the opinions of several different faith
Opinions range from abortion being totally wrong in nearly
all circumstances to firm commitment to just access to abortion and many
positions somewhere in between.
Not only do progressive Christians exist, they also have a
sense of humor.
Unvirtuous Abbey is a great place to find irreverent holy
humor such as, “Lord, you who told Lazarus to “Come out!”, we pray for
Christians who say that it’s wrong to do that. Amen.” (and many other much less reverent and hilariously funny quotes and pictures.) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Unvirtuous-Abbey/
If we all followed conservative Christianity there
wouldn’t be such things as Christian Universalists, Unitarians, Process
Theologians, and great authors like Bishop John Shelby Spong, Robin Meyers,
Brian McClaren, Nadia Bolz-Weber, Edward Hays and countless others. Indeed many
of the controversies we hear about within the Christian church could not take
place if there were no dissenting voices.
One sided conversations do not make for controversy. Several denominations have begun to
take a new stance on homosexuality, for example. Why would this happen if all Christians believe
homosexuality is a sin?
I realize those who speak against Christianity will continue
to address conservative Christianity, and rightfully so, as long as it
continues to appear as the default religion in America. As long as folks in this country have a
tendency to assume a person’s religion is conservative Christianity until
proven otherwise (unless the person is gay, tattooed, of a different skin
color, etc. Sigh. I know it is horrible,) then it only
makes sense for this form of religion to be the primary target of criticism. I also don’t intend to imply
Christianity should pat itself on the back for these members who are working for
justice. Really, this is so sadly
close to literally the least we could do.
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