
A former Lutheran pastor sharing thoughts on faith and life. Please join the conversation! I love your comments!

About Me and This Blog

My name is Sheri Ellwood.  I am a stay at home mom, a former Lutheran pastor who preaches occasionally, and a wannabe writer. I raise goats, cattle and other critters on a farm in Kansas with my husband and two wonderful daughters who are in elementary school.  

The title, faith from the field, reflects much about me and what this blog is about.  I live amongst the fields in Kansas. An issue dear to my heart is rural life and connecting with where food, clothing, etc. comes from. The title also reflects one of my challenges: living as liberal people of faith in the midst of a "red state". It also speaks to faith having no relevance unless it addresses the hardships in life, (field work as opposed to class work or research). Finally "faith from the field" reflects something that has sparked new passion for faith in my heart. Readings on quantum physics are intriguing and lead me to open my mind to the wonder of God in a new way. Quantum field theory is part of this new interest. Thus the connection to "faith from the field." It is all in lower case essentially because we thought that was a lazy way to be a bit quirky. Or is that quarky?

I am blogging on my own now but my sister-in-law, Lynn Schlosser, joined me in this venture for a time.  In perusing the archives, one may encounter her wisdom.  I treasure the input she had in this space but she has moved on to other adventures.  Perhaps she can be persuaded to occasionally guest blog. 
Please, comment!  I would love to hear from you.  I learn much from what others have to say in this space.  Also, feel free to share a link to this site.  I would love to expand my audience and expand the conversation.