
A former Lutheran pastor sharing thoughts on faith and life. Please join the conversation! I love your comments!

Friday, August 19, 2011

I Just Want to be a Smurf

Well, I sent my youngest off to Kindergarten today.   I didn't even cry but that was mostly because I was too sleepy.  I'm not used to getting up that early!

Now comes the identity crisis.  Can you call yourself a stay at home mom when no kids are staying at home with you?  What do I say when someone asks what I do?

It all makes me a little jealous of the Smurfs.  Yep, the cartoon with little blue people in it.  They are all named for who they are.  Where is your identity crisis when your name is Farmer Smurf?  But my problem is sometimes I am Farmer Smurf and other times Baker Smurf  or Mamma Smurf or Preacher Smurf.  My family can attest to the fact that I am definitely sometimes Grumpy Smurf.  I guess I have multiple Smurfinalities.  (If I don't quit with all this Smurf talk some of you are going to label me as Not Quite Right In The Head Smurf.)
But, I guess I am happy that I have so many aspects to my life.  I certainly wouldn't want to give up any of those roles.  It just makes it hard to answer the question, "What do you do?" Some days I guess I will answer that I have multiple Smurfinalities and some days I may let everyone know that I am Grumpy Smurf.  It may be better not to ask.

Now that school has started I think I will be acting as Blogger Smurf more often and hopefully I will have another Blogger Smurf joining me.  We have lots of fun ideas, so stay tuned!

Have a Smurfy Day!

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